Elmore.ru // Lineage II: Gracia Final
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 Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern An essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a sealed dark crystal leather armor. It can be sold at a regular store.
 67Raid Boss Malruk's Witch Sekina274.49217%
 65Raid Boss Gargoyle Lord Tiphon274.49217%
 65Raid Boss Eva's Guardian Millenu274.49217%
 75 Nephilim Royal Guard13.03421%
 70 Crypt Guard13.03421%
 77 Tomb Preacher13.03421%
 77 Grazing Antelope13.03421%
 74 Needle Stakato Drone13.03421%
 76 Ghost of Gatekeeper13.03421%
 74 Lesser Ancient Scout13.03421%
 72 Hames Orc Sniper13.03421%
 70 Lava Wyrm13.03421%
 69 Platinum Tribe Warrior13.03421%
 74 Black Shadow13.03421%
 73 Binder13.03421%
 75 Power Angel Amon13.03421%
 71 Bloody Sniper13.03421%
 74 Bloody Keeper13.03421%
 69 Marsh Predator13.03421%
 68 Pytan Knight13.03421%
 70 Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier13.28203%
 68 Malruk Lord12.12862%
 68 Malruk Lord12.12862%
 69 Hallate's Guardian12.0934%
 69 Hallate's Guardian12.0934%
 74 Lesser Ancient Scout12.07033%
 69 Nephilim Archbishop11.98216%
 69 Lilim Soldier11.82052%
 69 Lilim Soldier11.82052%
 68 Purgatory Gargoyle11.81365%
 70 Sepulcher Guard11.7982%
 70 Crypt Guard11.7982%
 73 Binder11.7112%
 68 Platinum Tribe Archer11.69074%
 68 Platinum Tribe Archer11.69074%
 74 Hot Springs Antelope11.61139%
 72 Bound Warrior11.57083%
 72 Bound Warrior11.57083%
 72 Bound Shaman11.55733%
 75 Power Angel Amon11.55301%
 74 Bloody Mystic11.50345%
 69 Valac's Creature11.32501%
 74 Needle Stakato Drone11.23042%
 71 Eye of Restrainer11.2147%
 68 Pytan Knight11.2042%
 68 Pytan Knight11.2042%
 70 Conjurer Bat10.96099%
 72 Conjurer Bat Lord10.91323%
 73 Vampire Wizard10.80241%
 73 Vampire Wizard10.78219%
 68 Hames Orc Scout10.69303%
 70 Dark Guard10.62268%
 65 Judge of Marsh10.52785%
 69 Treasure Chest10.4911%
 68 Bloody Lord10.45225%
 68 Death Blade10.38667%
 68 Antelope10.36906%
 68 Antelope10.36906%
 68 Antelope10.36906%
 68 Antelope10.2595%

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